Simple Joys

"You have made us for yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.” - St Augustine

Restless hearts

On Monday our restless little girls asked to make cupcakes. Baking with toddlers is slow motion chaos. They lick everything! But my wife is wonderful and obliged them. She sees opportunities I often miss to teach our kids how to be happy, chances to shape their desires. Baking provides a perfect opportunity. There is the happiness of licking a spoon of icing. Happiness in completing something on your own – “I did it alllllll by myself!” Happiness in sharing your joy - you should have seen Lucy tear off with a freshly iced cupcake to bring it to her brother. And ultimately, happiness existing in a loving relationship with their mother. There are different types, or even levels of happiness.
Happiness has been studied since antiquity. Plato wrote about it in The Republic. Aristotle said that no one chooses happiness “for anything other than itself.” Everything is desired for the sake of happiness. And so we have endless products and courses and destinations that we are told will supposedly will help us to be happy. And yet, as Christians we know:
"You have made us for yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.” - St Augustine
Most of the ancient philosophers identified the ultimates (ultimate truth, justice, beauty) as the idealized form that all lower forms point to. The happiness of a mother and her children baking together points to ultimate happiness that is communion with God.
This weekend I wish you simple, shared joys and the peace of resting in the presence of God.
Much love,

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